Customer Experience Research

Symphony Marketing provides companies the ability to have intelligent conversations with their customers. We give customers a voice that’s heard and companies a true competitive edge over those that aren’t listening.

Valuable research needs to accomplish three things: identify customer or prospect motivators, define the actions that will impact results and determine the right words to use to make sure that you message is received. It’s not what you say that’s important, it’s what the customer or prospect hears.

 We’ll interview you to really understand your objectives and design a survey to get at the actionable answers. We’ll pick the right data collection approach which might include outbound call interviews, virtual focus groups, email and online surveys or even mail surveys if required.

 For phone research we have our own call team and infrastructure. Our callers are well educated, well spoken, well paid and they carry on a conversation with a customer as opposed to reading from a script. Why is that important? We can have longer and more insightful calls that allow us to capture the language of the customer and their motivations in their words. It would sure be a lot easier to analyze the data if we just asked multiple choice or 1-5 scale questions and then we could use low end callers to drone through a script, but our clients wouldn’t get the insights they need. We have the data handling and security infrastructure in place to handle CPNI data which is required and certified by our largest clients. In all of our years in business we have never had an issue with mishandled data.

Most of our clients collect regular on-going samples allowing them to track the impact of their actions, refine the questioning, identify more actionable ideas and continue the cycle. Some have been trending data for over a decade now. The improvements are impressive. Give us a call at (434) 326-4878 and we’ll get specific about your needs and what we can accomplish for you.